понедельник, 24 апреля 2017 г.

Waldemar - Visions EP

 If your grandfather happened to be named after the term for a royal line of ancient Swedish and Danish kings, you may opt to go by his name too. Such is the case for singer/songwriter Gabe Larson, known by the moniker Waldemar. Hailing from Eau Claire, WI, the sound of Waldemar is lush, intricate and layered; a vast array of instruments and elements woven tightly together. 

Songs from Waldemar tend to deviate from traditional indie song structures and favor arrangements like modern classical choral composers. Post-80s-inspired electric guitar tones, rhythmic textures from dual drummers, trombone sectionals, and choral inspired harmonic vocal arrangements comprise the sonic landscape constructed by Larson's multi-instrumental artistry. "The Visions EP is painting with sound"
WPR http://noisetrade.com/waldemarmusic/vision-ep?utm_source=Monday%20emailer&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=Waldemar&utm_content=Vision%20EP

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