Мужской позитив - это наверное самое важное и ценное для женщины.
Улыбка откровения одного мужчины и проникновенный взгляд другого мужчины просто притягивают. Просто притягивают позитив в твою жизнь. Сохрани это фото на память, о сомневающаяся женщина. Прочти в оригинале откровения мужчины ⇩
Улыбка откровения одного мужчины и проникновенный взгляд другого мужчины просто притягивают. Просто притягивают позитив в твою жизнь. Сохрани это фото на память, о сомневающаяся женщина. Прочти в оригинале откровения мужчины ⇩
I believe that most people think about recovery from addiction as a kind of sad state.
The images we have been shown in books, television shows and movies depict very sick people who do not seem to be getting better. In fact, they mostly seem to be getting worse.
The typical recovery lifestyle depiction is also not pretty. One attends meetings where everyone is smoking cigarettes and drinking lots of coffee. Folks are batshit crazy. You hear the most awful stories of despair and you seemingly have to adopt an uninspiring way of life.
Rather than hearing about healing and redemption, we mostly hear about misery, relapse, and overdose.
This is not recovery!
Part of our mission at Recovery 2.0 is to present recovery in a more realistic light. As we see it, recovery from addiction is a profoundly joyous life path for anyone who desires to live fully and to be truly free from addiction.
You get to heal. You learn to love and be loved. You re-connect with the most important parts of life such as nature, family, friends, and your own creativity and health. AND, you get to have extraordinary amounts of fun, excitement, adventure, and joy.
I recently approached a gifted and celebrated photographer and filmmaker named DJ Pierce.
I asked DJ if he would like to use his creative gifts to help me re-frame the way people think about recovery from addiction. He got very excited about this idea. After all, DJ is himself an example of victory on the path of recovery and is committed to helping others to realize the gifts that await us all on this path.
DJ has spent the better part of the past 6 months with me capturing a more honest and beautiful look at recovery. And in my opinion, it’s just awesome.
Please visit and follow our new Recovery 2.0 Instagram page and see some of the work that DJ has created. If the images move you, please comment and let us know.
And you may have heard that on July 18th, we open the doors to the first ever online lifestyle portal for people in recovery, their families, and professionals who work in the field. At the Recovery 2.0 Global Membership Site, we will present an opportunity for everyone everywhere to participate in the incredible gift of true recovery and a #lifebeyondaddiction. Keep your eyes open for invitations to join us there.
In the meantime, stay on your recovery path. Ask for help when you need it. And never despair, there is a way through every block.
With Love and Gratitude,
Tommy Rosen
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